Monte Carlo fallacy

Monte Carlo fallacy (gambler’s fallacy) [wpb-random-posts]
Law of the instrument

Law of the instrument [wpb-random-posts]
Law of narrative gravity
Law of narrative gravity [wpb-random-posts]
Lake wobegon effect
Lake Wobegon effect [wpb-random-posts]
Kuleshov effect
Kuleshov effect [wpb-random-posts]
Just world hypothesis
Just world hypothesis [wpb-random-posts]
Insentivity to sample size
Insensitivity to sample size [wpb-random-posts]
Illusory truth effect
Illusory truth effect [wpb-random-posts]
Illusion of transparency
Illusion of transparency [wpb-random-posts]
Illusion of correlation
Illusion of correlation [wpb-random-posts]